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Frequently Asked Questions about Deals

Where can I find the best deals?

The best deals are found on the Deals page of There, you will discover a wide range of deals across various categories.

How can I find the best deals?

You can find the best deals by searching on the Deals page of Deals are sorted into various categories to assist you in locating the finest bargains.

Are the deals available only in Canada? focuses on the Canadian market, but some deals may also be valid in other countries. Always check the conditions of the deal.

Do I need to register to access the deals?

No, registration is not required to access the deals on You're free to browse and find the best bargains without creating an account.

How often are the deals updated?

Deals on are updated regularly. It's advisable to visit the website frequently to stay informed about the latest deals.

How many deals are currently available?

There are more than 11,000 deals available on

Can I search for deals?

Yes, you can search the deals on based on your interests. Various categories are available to refine your search.

Are the deals limited to certain product categories?

No, the deals on cover a wide range of product categories, giving you the opportunity to find deals that match your specific needs and interests.

Can I share deals with my friends?

Yes, you can share deals from with your friends. Options are available to share deals via social media, email, or other communication tools.

How do I know when a deal expires?

Every deal on has a specific expiration date. This date is indicated in the deal's details. It's important to check this date to ensure the deal is still valid.

Can I save a deal to view later?

Yes, you can save a deal for later. This makes it easy to come back and review the details of the deal at a time that suits you.

How can I get in touch if I have questions about a deal?

If you have questions about a deal, you can contact the customer service of the store offering the deal. They can assist you with any inquiries you have about the deal.

What does 'deal' mean?

A deal refers to a product or service being offered at a discounted price or with a special promotion. Deals are a way for businesses to attract customers and increase sales.

Why are there deals?

Deals are a marketing strategy used by businesses to make their products or services more appealing to customers. They can help to boost sales, attract new customers, and retain existing ones.

What are deals?

Deals are offers or discounts provided by businesses to make their products or services more appealing to customers. They can range from discounts off the regular price to special bundle offers or additional benefits upon purchase.