
Softmoc weekly flyers

Currently, there is no weekly flyer available for Softmoc

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Softmoc discount tips

Weekly Ad

Just like many other stores, SoftMoc regularly releases advertisements and promotional materials, such as flyers and brochures, to keep customers informed about exciting in-store deals and special offers. Checking out the latest SoftMoc flyer is a quick and easy way to discover deals that might catch your eye. You can find new flyers updated on this page at, so make sure to visit frequently to stay in the know.


Another simple way to stay updated on SoftMoc's deals and store information is to simply sign up for the store's email newsletter, available on the SoftMoc website. And you can do it right now, with just a few quick clicks! Head over to the SoftMoc home page to get started and click to create an account or sign up with the brand. Provide some basic info, like an email address, and then confirm your subscription to receive emails straight from the store itself.

Weekly Promotions

SoftMoc is renowned for offering top-notch footwear at reasonable prices, but if you're eager to save even more on their fantastic shoe collection, consider taking advantage of their weekly promotions and limited-time special offers. Every week, the SoftMoc team selects new products to include in these offers, slashing prices on various items like sneakers, clogs, sandals, and more. To find out more, check out the latest SoftMoc flyer or visit the Sale page on their website.

SoftMoc Rewards

Like a lot of other big brands nowadays, SoftMoc also has its very own rewards program, simply entitled SoftMoc Rewards. You can join up with SoftMoc Rewards for free today, simply by providing some basic info, like your name and email address. Once you become a member, you'll start saving up SoftMoc Rewards points for every dollar you spend in stores or online. You can then cash in those points for exclusive discounts. 200 points will give you $10 of store credit, for example, or you can save all the way up to 500 points for $40 of credit.

Own Brands

In terms of brands, SoftMoc doesn't actually make any of its own shoes, nor does it have any exclusive footwear brands. However, it does stock sneakers, sandals, shoes, and boots from some of the best footwear brands in the industry. Examples of the kinds of brands you can find in SoftMoc stores and online include Puma, Converse, Clarks, Dr. Martens, Adidas, Asics, Bench, Hot Sox, Lacoste, and Reebok.

Sunday Shopping

Wondering if SoftMoc is open on Sundays? That’s a very common question that we often hear from weekend shoppers. Generally, SoftMoc stores should be open for Sunday shopping. However, it's essential to keep in mind that store hours may vary, and SoftMoc stores often open a bit later and close a bit earlier on Sundays, like many other chains around Nrth America. Check your store's specific hours using the SoftMoc Store Locator tool. Go to and click "Choose Your Store" to use it.


SoftMoc is regarded as one of the best footwear store chains in all of North America, with 120 stores in Canada and several stores in U.S. states like Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin, ad Missouri, too. With so many stores to choose from, you’re never too far away from a SoftMoc location. However, you might not know exactly where your closest branch actually is. To avoid any confusion and get all the info you need, click on "Choose Your Store" on the SoftMoc website.

Popular Products

As a footwear specialist, SoftMoc is your go-to store for a wide range of shoes, including sneakers, boots, sandals, clogs, and more. It’s the perfect place to stock up on new shoes, grab a sweet pair of sneakers for days in the city, or elevate your footwear collection in other ways. In addition to these staples, SoftMoc offers high-quality shoe accessories, like shoe care products and insoles, ensuring your footwear stays in top shape.

Opening Hours

If you're curious about when your local SoftMoc store opens for business, keep in mind that SoftMoc's vast network of stores means that specific opening times can vary and are subject to change. We recommend visiting the SoftMoc website and using the Store Locator tool to find your nearest store and its current opening hours. This will help you plan your visit with confidence.


If you're passionate about footwear and want to work with a well-established brand like SoftMoc, you're in luck. With numerous stores and a huge number of employees, SoftMoc often has a variety of intriguing job opportunities and vacancies to fill. To learn more, reach out to your local store or visit the SoftMoc website and click on the Job Opportunities tab. There, you can find out about any current vacancies and submit an application.