
Fabricland weekly flyers

Currently, there is no weekly flyer available for Fabricland

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Fabricland discount tips

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If you want to save money when you shop at Fabricland for high quality fabrics, textiles, and related items, the easiest way to get started is to scroll through the latest Fabricland flyer. Flyers are released each month, and each flyer contains detailed information about new sales events, special offers, and discounts on goods you can find either in your nearest Fabricland store at the Fabricland Online website. To find the latest flyers, simply visit 1flyers.com. We always upload new flyers directly to this page when they become available.


Another super simple way to keep yourself informed and aware of new sales and discounts at Fabricland is to sign yourself up for the official Fabricland email newsletter. How do you do this? It's simple. First, head to the official Fabricland website, and then scroll down and click on the subscribe button. You'll be asked to enter your name, email address, and postal code. From that point on, Fabricland will email you with information on sales and specials at your nearest store, and you can unsubscribe any time if you no longer wish to receive these emails.

Weekly Promotions

Fabricland runs some of the very best sales around, with gigantic discounts on various fabrics and other products. Each week, new offers are shared on the Fabricland website and in store. These deals can include low prices per meter on your favorite fabrics, as well as "Buy 1 Get 1 Free" or even "Buy 1 Get 2 Free" special offers on selected items. Use the Fabricland flyer and newsletter to find out about these offers and promos.

Online Exclusives

A lot of people choose to shop in Fabricland stores. However, if you prefer shopping online from the comfort of your own home, you might like to visit Fabricland's online store: Fabricland Online. At Fabricland Online, you can shop for all of the same items you'd find in your local Fabricland branch, like fashionable fabrics, drapery, sewing supplies, and more. Plus, the Fabricland Online website has unique offers and prices that are sometimes lower than in-store prices, giving you a whole new way to save.

Own Brands

So, what kinds of brands can you expect to find at Fabricland? Well, most of the products in this store are actually designed and made by Fabricland itself. A lot of the fabrics, for example, are made by Fabricland’s own team, along with other items like drapery rods and sewing kits.

Sunday Shopping

If you'd like to shop for fabrics at the weekend, you'll want to know if Fabricland stores are open on Sundays. Well, in general, Fabricland stores are open seven days a week, so it's perfectly possible to do some Sunday shopping at a Fabricland store near you. However, it’s always best to double-check opening times before you go, so make sure to check your store’s Sunday opening hours with the help of our overview page.


The Fabricland story began way back in 1968. It was then that the very first Fabricland store opened its doors in Toronto. Since then, this brand has become a major success story, expanding across the nation and opening more than 100 stores in total. You can find Fabricland stores in many different parts of Canada, and there might be a store right around the corner from your home. You can use our overview page to find out more about Fabricland stores, including up-to-date opening times for each location.

Popular Products

So, what can you buy from Fabricland stores or the Fabricland Online website? Well, as the name suggests, Fabricland is the home of fabrics, and it's one of the best places in all of Canada to shop for fashionable fabrics in various colors, patterns, styles, and sizes. Ideal for crafty people, hobbyists, and textile professionals, Fabricland's fabrics are detailed, varied, and high quality. In addition, you can also shop at Fabricland for other items, like sewing supplies, yarn, knitting accessories, drapery, home decor items, and more.

Opening Hours

What time is Fabricland open? What are Fabricland's holiday opening hours? There are just a couple of examples of the kinds of questions we're often asked about this popular fabric store chain. The fact of the matter is that, even though most Fabricland stores open at the same times each and every day, the precise opening hours of each store may vary. Fortunately, you can use our overview page for Fabricland to see exactly when your local store opens and closes.


Since Fabricland has quite a large number of stores, it employs thousands of people and offers a lot of job opportunities for those who are interested. You can start off in an entry-level position at Fabricland, or, if you have more experience, you can apply for one of the more senior roles in store management or logistics. Check out the Fabricland careers page to learn more.